Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Final Leg of our Vacation
We arrived in OK city about 10:30 on Friday, welcome to the heat, it's 90 degrees plus humidity here. Our first stop was to see Clint, Brent's long-time friend and accountant. He took us to lunch at a nice Italian restaurant then we headed off to Crescent, OK, one of the locations Brent used to work in. We made a few stops to look up some more friends and former co-workers, found some but not all. We finally reached our hotel about 3:oo-NAP TIME!!!
Dinner at The Cheesecake Factory, a walk around the mall (nothing purchased) and our day was done.

Saturday was spent with another of Brent's old friends, Ceedy, and his "spousal equivalent" Anna, of 21 years. At one time they had 9 cocker spaniels, so we traded a lot of dog stories and pictures. That was quite a blast and sort of like seeing one of my old friends because I had heard so many stories and seen many pics of the 2 of them.

We cut our visit short in order to make the reunion on time at 6pm. Back at the hotel Brent checked the reunion info and discovered it started at 4:00-Yikes! Well it was sort of a floating thing so we were okay. The house was a mansion, with a gate, which we had a heck of a time getting through, finally drove through the exit gate when someone left. Two other guests followed us.

More reconnecting and catching up with old friends and co-workers, listened to some good stories and met people I have been hearing about for 10 years. We left there about 9:15, I know, that's late for us.

Sunday we met one of Brent's favorite people, Keith, and his girlfriend for lunch. They entertained us for the afternoon, a water canal tour of Brick Town in downtown OK City, the baseball field, and the OK City National Memorial. What a moving site, it gave us all chills just to be there knowing what occurred on 4-19-95. Unfortunately we did not have time for the museum tour.

Tomorrow we head home. Looking forward to seeing you all!!! Thanks for following us.

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