Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 6

We started the day at Taos Pueblo. Native Americans actually do still live there and there's no electricity or running water, quite a beautiful place. There were lots of dogs running around but they had no interest in the visitors.

Then we hit the road to Denver/Aurora, about 5 hours. I was given permission to nap and Brent would wake me when we got to the scenic sites.

Perhaps the most impressive site of the entire trip was The Garden of the Gods, you'll get to see plenty of pictures. Tourists kept getting in the way of Brent's' shots so he has to erase them with Photoshop.

We made good time so we stopped at an outlet mall-Brent's idea. He just didn't want to be driving through Denver in 5:00 traffic, but okay, I'll go to the outlet mall. Unfortunately I was only able to hit a few stores, it would take me an entire day to shop the whole mall. We went to Black-Eyed Pea for dinner and get this-Brent got carded for ordering an O'doul's!!! Neither of us could believe it. I don't think our waitress was the sharpest knife in the drawer. But we're here for the night. We have to get up at 4:30 am to turn in the car and catch our flight to Oklahoma-our final destination before returning home, and most of you know I am not a morning person!

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