Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 2

Today we traveled to the height of the Rocky Mountains, over 12,000 feet up was the highest point on the road. the wind chill was 14 but the trip was well worth it. If you've never seen the Rockies you should go. I'll have more pics for you to see than you'll want to see but it's a beautiful sight.

As we were sitting at the entrance gate it snowed on us. The piles of snow on the side of the road were up to 6' high. I bought myself a lovely cap to keep my ears warm, you see it in the pic-of-the-day, Brent calls it my Pipi Longstocking cap and if I had been wearing it when we first met we may not have gotten to the 10 year mark.

Estes Park is also the home of the Stanley Hotel. Historically it's known for the man who built it because he also invented the Stanley Steamer, no not the carpet cleaner, the automobile of the early 1900's. More importantly for you to know, the Stanley Hotel was the inspiration for Stephen King's The Shining, and the movie was filmed there. We didn't take the actual tour but did walk around inside a bit. On our next trip we may spend the night there-BOO!

The ice cream flavor today was chocolate brownie in a waffle cone. You want one of those don't you?

I almost forgot, at breakfast this morning we saw the the couple from yesterday (the chick in the black pumps). Did I mention they are both very, very blonde? I almost didn't recognize her without the high heels. We have named them Chad & Brandi; she works at a tanning salon and he is a personal trainer & gets free tanning sessions.

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