Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Final Leg of our Vacation
We arrived in OK city about 10:30 on Friday, welcome to the heat, it's 90 degrees plus humidity here. Our first stop was to see Clint, Brent's long-time friend and accountant. He took us to lunch at a nice Italian restaurant then we headed off to Crescent, OK, one of the locations Brent used to work in. We made a few stops to look up some more friends and former co-workers, found some but not all. We finally reached our hotel about 3:oo-NAP TIME!!!
Dinner at The Cheesecake Factory, a walk around the mall (nothing purchased) and our day was done.

Saturday was spent with another of Brent's old friends, Ceedy, and his "spousal equivalent" Anna, of 21 years. At one time they had 9 cocker spaniels, so we traded a lot of dog stories and pictures. That was quite a blast and sort of like seeing one of my old friends because I had heard so many stories and seen many pics of the 2 of them.

We cut our visit short in order to make the reunion on time at 6pm. Back at the hotel Brent checked the reunion info and discovered it started at 4:00-Yikes! Well it was sort of a floating thing so we were okay. The house was a mansion, with a gate, which we had a heck of a time getting through, finally drove through the exit gate when someone left. Two other guests followed us.

More reconnecting and catching up with old friends and co-workers, listened to some good stories and met people I have been hearing about for 10 years. We left there about 9:15, I know, that's late for us.

Sunday we met one of Brent's favorite people, Keith, and his girlfriend for lunch. They entertained us for the afternoon, a water canal tour of Brick Town in downtown OK City, the baseball field, and the OK City National Memorial. What a moving site, it gave us all chills just to be there knowing what occurred on 4-19-95. Unfortunately we did not have time for the museum tour.

Tomorrow we head home. Looking forward to seeing you all!!! Thanks for following us.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 6

We started the day at Taos Pueblo. Native Americans actually do still live there and there's no electricity or running water, quite a beautiful place. There were lots of dogs running around but they had no interest in the visitors.

Then we hit the road to Denver/Aurora, about 5 hours. I was given permission to nap and Brent would wake me when we got to the scenic sites.

Perhaps the most impressive site of the entire trip was The Garden of the Gods, you'll get to see plenty of pictures. Tourists kept getting in the way of Brent's' shots so he has to erase them with Photoshop.

We made good time so we stopped at an outlet mall-Brent's idea. He just didn't want to be driving through Denver in 5:00 traffic, but okay, I'll go to the outlet mall. Unfortunately I was only able to hit a few stores, it would take me an entire day to shop the whole mall. We went to Black-Eyed Pea for dinner and get this-Brent got carded for ordering an O'doul's!!! Neither of us could believe it. I don't think our waitress was the sharpest knife in the drawer. But we're here for the night. We have to get up at 4:30 am to turn in the car and catch our flight to Oklahoma-our final destination before returning home, and most of you know I am not a morning person!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Days 4 & 5

Day 4 was spent driving from Estes Park to Taos, about 6 hours, of course I napped (comment by Brent - yeah, napped - 90% of the trip) along the way. After checking in at our resort we walked around part of historic Taos, found a place to eat (Mexican of course). But most importantly we located a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, today's treat was a milk chocolate covered caramel. And these are not your Brach's size caramels, these are about 1.5 inches square-yummy.

Day 5 started out rainy and cool but we ventured into town anyway. Found a great place to eat breakfast, everyone else found it too, but it was worth the wait. We steered clear of the bakery where they displayed some deadly looking food items.

We drove out to Taos Pueblo, an old Indian settlement, but it was closed, we are going to try there again on our way out of town tomorrow. We then drove out to the Rio Grande Gorge and I did venture out onto the bridge with Brent, looking straight ahead until we stopped and then I glanced down-WOW! I'll have to look up how deep it is but it's a long, long way down. Another beautiful sight. As we headed back to the car we were pelted first with cold rain then hail. It only lasted about 2 minutes, just enough to get us damp and cold.

We bought a pair (or should I say 2 pair) of fur-lined booties for Addie. If we can get them on her they might help her walk on the hardwood floors. I'll be sure to get pictures of that also.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 3
We drove down to Boulder City today and on the way we went through a little place called Allen's Park, and when I say a little place I do mean little. It consisted of 2 streets, a lot of sketchy looking buildings and even more sketchy looking people. We couldn't decide if they liked dogs or not; a sign stated they do have a leash law, but a sign at a "food store" said to keep dogs in the car. We saw one dog lying on the ground, he picked his head up long enough to glance at our car as we drove by, we don't think he could move fast enough to be in violation of the leash law. The speed limit was 25, which we thought it best to adhere to in the event that a "law officer" came running out of the woods to ticket us-have you seen the movie Deliverance?. Yea, we didn't spend much time in Allen's Park and did not go through there on the way back.

Boulder City had real restaurants, and some cool shops. I bought a bandanna for Addie from Farfel's Farm. Farfel is actually the dog-of-the-house, a gray & white Bearded Collie. Needless to say we spent some time with him to get our dog fix, which has already worn off.

On today's drive we were actually below the mountains & rocks. I prefer being above them, yes I do.

Today's treat was a milk chocolate covered marshmallow-yummy!!! Wish I could bring you one back, but I pretty sure they would not survive the trip whether due to the heat or to me eating them.

Off to Taos tomorrow.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 2

Today we traveled to the height of the Rocky Mountains, over 12,000 feet up was the highest point on the road. the wind chill was 14 but the trip was well worth it. If you've never seen the Rockies you should go. I'll have more pics for you to see than you'll want to see but it's a beautiful sight.

As we were sitting at the entrance gate it snowed on us. The piles of snow on the side of the road were up to 6' high. I bought myself a lovely cap to keep my ears warm, you see it in the pic-of-the-day, Brent calls it my Pipi Longstocking cap and if I had been wearing it when we first met we may not have gotten to the 10 year mark.

Estes Park is also the home of the Stanley Hotel. Historically it's known for the man who built it because he also invented the Stanley Steamer, no not the carpet cleaner, the automobile of the early 1900's. More importantly for you to know, the Stanley Hotel was the inspiration for Stephen King's The Shining, and the movie was filmed there. We didn't take the actual tour but did walk around inside a bit. On our next trip we may spend the night there-BOO!

The ice cream flavor today was chocolate brownie in a waffle cone. You want one of those don't you?

I almost forgot, at breakfast this morning we saw the the couple from yesterday (the chick in the black pumps). Did I mention they are both very, very blonde? I almost didn't recognize her without the high heels. We have named them Chad & Brandi; she works at a tanning salon and he is a personal trainer & gets free tanning sessions.
First day of vacation.
We were awake from 5 am until 11 pm est, those of you that know us can't believe it, I know. We arrived in Denver at noon (2 pm est), saw the big blue bronco as we drove away from the airport. We proceeded to our rental car, the people at Enterprise are the best-I highly recommend them, and drove about an hour to our destination, Estes Park. Estes Park is located at the base of the Rocky Mountains. Our accomodations were not revealed to me until we arrived, and it was a great surprise, the Boulder Brook Cabins in Estes Park. We have the babbling Fall River outside our window to lull us to sleep, & sit outside drinking our morning coffee, which Brent brews, with a little help from Mr. Coffee.

As we ventured out to see the local sights we found Carl the elk grazing on the side of the road. He was actually as close as he looks in the picture, we think he's spent a lot of time around people since he was not scared off by the many tourists taking photos of him.
We proceeded to downtown Estes Park and walked the streets full of shops-love it!! There are an abundance of ice cream shops-yea but bad for the diet. We went into this one shop called Trendy, and it is, where Brent called me in to see the cool purses they had. I know, I couldn't believe he was wanting me to look at more purses. Alas, there was an ulterior motive, to check out the chick in daisy dukes, minus fringe, and black 4" pumps (what was on top was less important). Pretty much everyone in the store was looking at them, just amazed that someone outside of Hollywood would have the nerve to wear that combination, and pull it off successfully. But the purses were way out of my price range.
Of course, we also located Starbucks so Brent could have his daily fix. Dinner was at a dive called Chicago's Best Pizza. Having eaten at some of the best pizza joints in Chicago I can safely say what we ate in Estes Park was not Chicago's best. I'm not sure the health inspector has been there in several years.