Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 3
We drove down to Boulder City today and on the way we went through a little place called Allen's Park, and when I say a little place I do mean little. It consisted of 2 streets, a lot of sketchy looking buildings and even more sketchy looking people. We couldn't decide if they liked dogs or not; a sign stated they do have a leash law, but a sign at a "food store" said to keep dogs in the car. We saw one dog lying on the ground, he picked his head up long enough to glance at our car as we drove by, we don't think he could move fast enough to be in violation of the leash law. The speed limit was 25, which we thought it best to adhere to in the event that a "law officer" came running out of the woods to ticket us-have you seen the movie Deliverance?. Yea, we didn't spend much time in Allen's Park and did not go through there on the way back.

Boulder City had real restaurants, and some cool shops. I bought a bandanna for Addie from Farfel's Farm. Farfel is actually the dog-of-the-house, a gray & white Bearded Collie. Needless to say we spent some time with him to get our dog fix, which has already worn off.

On today's drive we were actually below the mountains & rocks. I prefer being above them, yes I do.

Today's treat was a milk chocolate covered marshmallow-yummy!!! Wish I could bring you one back, but I pretty sure they would not survive the trip whether due to the heat or to me eating them.

Off to Taos tomorrow.

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